We have 4 funky dining room chairs. They come from one of our trips way up north and cost about $4 each. The backs are a really unique butterfly design. I have always wanted to paint those wooden butterflies in some really creative way....each one different but still similar to the others so that the 4 chairs look like a set. This past, quite and very lazy Sunday morning I was motivated to finally do some art so I sketched out a design of the chair backs (I loved the sketch) and then painted the sketch...OK, can we say, ugly? I was reminded that, for me, art takes time. So, I am working on sketches and color for a while and when I feel ready I will paint those beautiful wooden swallowtailesque butterflies.
I love color. My husband is more a sage green and brown kind of guy. These chairs are for us....hmmmm...... how to make them work for the both of us? That is the question I pose to myself. We are selling our condo and can you say, boring??? We had a decorator come by and help us out when we first decided to sell. She made everything in our home very bland (with little pops of color) so that anybody would want to buy it because they could imagine their own style on top of the bland. I get that but it's just not how I like to live. My husband fears that once I start to paint those butterflies they will be crazy with color...he's probably right! So, for now, I will make 4 beautiful, colorful sketches and put paint to those funky chairs once we sell the condo and no longer need to live in boring Beigeland. But, I think the decorator may have been wrong. Recently I have been putting more color and art back into our home. I framed and hung three of my colorful sunset photos. I bought a colorful Judie Bomberger sculputre and put that under a boring, brown clock. The last very interested person who looked at our condo loved the decorating, particularly the color as did the real estate agent. So who knows....those crazy butterflies may be taking flight soon!
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